Lightning start fire west of Willow along Susitna River

10:00 PM Update – Tanker-544 responded from Fairbanks along with Air Attack and dropped a load of retardant to keep the #SusitnaFire(#235) in check while firefighters were shuttled to the fire. Firefighters will work into the night to limit the fire’s growth. They will remain on the fire Monday securing the fire’s edge. Helicopters making water drops greatly reduced the fire’s activity. This will be the last update this evening. Return to for future updates to this fire and other fires in Alaska. 

This photograph shows wildland firefighters loading their gear into a helicopter.
Members of Suppression Module Denali load their gear into a helicopter Sunday evening, June 23. 2024, to be shuttle to the Susitna Fire (#235). The lightning caused fire was burning along the Susitna River west of Willow. Jered Kemp/DOF

9:15 PM Update – Soldotna Helitack has responded to shuttle firefighters to the fire. Suppression Module Denali, a hand crew sponsored by Chugachmiut Tribal Consortium, and crew members of both helicopters will be shuttled to the fire. Mat-Su helicopter has dropped multiple buckets of water through one fuel cycle and is returning to Willow airport to refuel. They report the fire is now smoldering and creeping and estimated to be 1 acre. 

A satellite image map showing the location of a wildland fire.
Public Information Map of the Susitna Fire (#235) on Sunday, June 23, 2024. Click on the map to download a PDF to enlarge and print.

8:00 PM Update – Division of Forestry & Fire Protection firefighters are responding to a lightning caused fire along the Susitna River west of Willow. Susitna Fire (#235) is burning actively in black spruce west of Willow Creek Parkway. Helitack has responded and is dropping buckets of water. An additional helicopter has been requested to shuttle firefighters to the fire. 

Additional information will be provided here as it becomes available. 

Categories: Active Wildland Fire, Alaska DNR - Division of Forestry (DOF)

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