8 New Fires Responded to in State of Alaska Protection Areas

8 new fires started on Wednesday, June 26 in State of Alaska protection jurisdiction and 7 in BLM Alaska Fire Service. There are 14 staffed fires statewide, and Alaska moved to Planning Level 4. The interior region of Alaska remains in high to very-high fire danger. A Red Flag Warning is in effect on Thursday, June 27 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for most areas north of the Alaska Range to the Brooks Range and from the Canadian border west to McGrath for low humidities, high temperatures, high winds with chances of scattered thunderstorms. Burn permits for the Valdez-Copper River Area have been suspended due to high daytime temperatures, low humidity, and the potential for large scale fire growth. Burn permit suspensions remain in place for the Mat-Su, Fairbanks, Delta, and Tok areas. The suspensions will be in effect until conditions improve. 

Bonanza Creek (#242)- 2 miles south of the Parks Highway near the Borough boundary, a smoke report was called in by a private pilot on 6/24. Fairbanks DOF responded with engines, and helitack was able to confirm the fire. The helicopter was able to provide bucket work while ground crews were moved into the area by UTV. The Fairbanks 1 firefighter module was able to respond and go direct on the fire. The crew has stayed on the 1-acre fire to provide multiple days of suppression work with the assistance of DOF engines that provided water. Fairbanks 1 has completed gridding the fire and will finish pulling all the hose. The crew plans to demobilize today and the fire will be monitored.    

Chena Hills (#256) – Roland Road off of Chena Pump Rd, a fire was reported to have been caused by a tree on a powerline. A Fairbanks DOF engine was requested by Chena Goldstream Fire and Rescue, and responded to see that the powerline was arcing and starting multiple small fires. A total of four DOF engines responded and contained the fire to 0.1 acres. GVEA responded to repair the powerlines. This fire was contained and controlled on 6/25 at 6:30 pm.

New Tanacross (#261)- Reported on 6/25 to be near Tanacross Airport Road. A DOF engine patrolling the area reported a lightning strike followed by a light smoke column near Tanacross.  A DOF helicopter responded but was unable to locate the fire. The area received heavy precipitation. Forestry personnel will continue to patrol the area periodically as a precaution.

Photo from Aerial Recon flight of the West Fork River Fire (#271) PC: Kato Howard/Division of Forestry and Fire Protection

West Fork River (#271) – 5 miles west of Taylor Hwy, Mile Marker 34 a fire burning in a limited response area. A motorist called about a fire off of the Taylor highway on 6/26. A Tok DOF helicopter responded to find the 32-acre fire not threatening any infrastructure. This fire will be monitored. 

Tanana Lakes (#275) – A Tanana Lakes Park Ranger reported a small fire on 6/26 near the non-motorized boat launch. Three Fairbanks engines responded to find a 20×20 fire burning in grass. They were able to extinguish, grid, and cold trail fairly quickly. The fire was contained and will continue to be monitored. 

Gold King Creek (#276) – 37 miles East of Clear Airforce base in the Military Zone. A fire was reported on 6/26 around 4:30 pm, southwest of Gold King Creek Airport that was spreading towards occupied cabins. Fairbanks helitack responded and confirmed the fire that was estimated at 30 acres, burning in black spruce and mixed hardwoods. Due to the fire threatening cabins, fire bosses, air attack and smokejumpers were ordered while helitack started bucket drops and suppression actions. Fire bosses were able to assist by providing retardant around the active flanks of the fire. By the end of shift the fire was estimated at 79.7 acres. The fire behavior was reported to be minimal, and structure protection was in place for the cabins closest to the fire with the remainder of the cabins assessed. This fire will remain staffed by the smokejumpers to ensure structure protection. 

Mansfield Lake Fire (#277) was contained at 0.1 acre with quick suppression efforts from helitack and bucket work out of Tok Forestry. PC: Kato Howard/Division of Forestry and Fire Protection

Mansfield Lake (#277) – 5.3 miles northwest of Tanacross airport. Tanacross Tankerbase reported a smoke near Mansfield Lake. A DOF helicopter responded and located a tenth of an acre fire burning in full protection. Due to topography and the proximity to Mansflied Lake Village, they requested additional aviation support from Fire Bosses. The helicopter bucket drops were effective and the additional aviation resources were released. Tok Helitack hiked into the fire to combat it from the ground while the helicopter continued aerial water drops. Through Tok initial attacks combined efforts, they were able to contain the fire around 8:00 pm. This fire will be placed on monitor status.  

East Toklat (#278)– 32 miles west of Healy the National Park Service. Dispatch reported a brush fire near the East Fork of the Toklat River. An engine from Nenana was called to respond.  A DOF plane was on a reconnaissance flight and investigated the reported fire. They were able to locate a 50-acre fire burning in Limited protection.  There were no identified values at risk and the fire will be monitored.

Tanana Loop Extension Fire (#280)- 3 miles south of Quartz Lake Recreation Area a fire was reported as a rekindled agricultural burn. An engine from Delta Area DOF responded to the 0.1-acre fire and performed saw work and brush piling. This fire was contained and controlled and will be put in monitor status today.

To see active fires around the state on an interactive map, please see the link below:

Categories: Active Wildland Fire, AK Fire Info, Alaska DNR - Division of Forestry (DOF)

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