Fire Report, Southwest Area

EXTREME FIRE DANGER throughout Southwest Alaska!
BURN BAN ON ALL State, Municipal and Private Lands OF WESTERN ALASKA

OVERVIEW The long hot dry spell has parched the potential fire fuels – spruce, hardwoods, brush and tundra. Winds accelerate the drying effect and rapidly expand the size of fires. In Southwest Alaska, nearly all of the current fires were ignited by lightning – a couple dozen of them in the last two days. Thunderstorms are forecast for the next two days, so more wildfires are expected in Southwest and elsewhere.
Statewide, there were 146 active fires yesterday. All available resources are suppressing priority fires, whether in Southwest or other parts of Alaska. The fires in and near population centers in the eastern half of the state are requiring a concentration of those resources. For example, there are a total of 37 fire crews on two fires, Sockeye Fire near Willow and the Card Street Fire near Soldotna. One-third of those crews are from the Lower 48. Here in Southwest, resources have also been supplemented by two Outside crews. Choosing where to put scarce resources is aided by the Alaska system that has identified, in advance, the protection priorities of various locations. Firefighters, equipment and supplies are seldom sent to “Limited” protection areas. However, if structures or other critical properties near a Limited area are threatened, actions to protect those specific places are often ordered.
Fire 450, Village Creek, is 3-1/2 miles southwest of Crooked Creek village on the north side of the Kuskokwim River. It is a new fire, reported today, and moving toward the village. The Salt Lake County Type 2 Initial Attack crew has been deployed to the fire.
Fire 455, Soda Creek, 16.5 miles NNE of Nikolai, reported mid-day today at 30 acres, 100 percent active in black spruce with flame lengths up to 50 feet. The Nikolai crew has been returned to Nikolai to conduct site protection at the village.
Fire 229, Whitefish1, near Lower Kalskag village is staffed by the Lower Kalskag and Chena Hotshot crews who are focused on west and northeast perimeter control actions, using burn-outs in conjunction with natural water barriers.
Fire 343, HoHolitna River is 17 miles southeast of Sleetmute. The Helena Type 2 IA crew has sawed a line around the perimeter of the fire, containing the fire. Efforts are now concentrated on extinguishing hot spots on the interior of the fire.
Fire 349, Spruce Creek, two miles south of Nikolai has been mopped up by a three-man squad from the Nikolai crew and is contained. The squad is being relocated to join the other crew members, protecting the village from new Fire 455.
Fire 352, Scow Harry Creek, 17 miles northeast of Medfra was attacked by smokejumpers on June 20. The Nikolai crew replaced the jumpers yesterday. On Sunday afternoon, the Nikolai crew was relocated to the village of Nikolai for village protection against new Fire 455, Soda Creek.
Fire 377, Iditarod River, Six smokejumpers have been establishing site protection at the historic site of Iditarod which is south of the fire.
Fire 242, Can Creek, has been burning since June 1 in Limited territory southeast of Lime Village and northwest of Lake Clark National Park and Preserve. When mapped on June 18, it was 22,605 acres and expanding on three sides. It was flown on Saturday and plans have been made to protect critical sites in its vicinity if the fire threatens them, providing that resources are available.
Fire 348, Why Lake, was started by lightning on the north side of the Stony River 12 miles downriver from Lime Village on June 19. Since then it has been pushed by wind to the north, farther into Limited protection country. If the wind shifts, causing the fire to move toward the village, contingency plans are in place for fire personnel to establish village site protection.
Fire 356, Stink River, started on June 19 just north of “the last Federal homestead”, a historic site. Southerly winds have since pushed the rapidly expanding fire farther into Limited protection. If conditions change, causing the fire to threaten the structures on the homestead and if resources are available, the site will be protected.
Fire 353, Moose Creek, 10 miles north of Stony River village was 5 acres, smoldering with multiple spot fires In black spruce. Although in Limited protection status, it is near a Full protection zone and suppression action may be taken, depending on the fire’s behavior and availability of resources.
FIRES IN MONITOR STATUS will be checked by aircraft daily or as resources and weather allow.
Fire 339, Little Waldren Fork, 61 miles southeast of McGrath.
Fire 364, Twin Lakes, 3 miles downstream from the Lakes that are on the west front of the Alaska Range.
Fire 369, Oskawalik River, 25 miles south of the village of Crooked Creek.
Fire 376, Hickey Creek, 13 miles east-northeast of Iditarod, 1,000 acres.
Fire 378, Reindeer River, 18 miles southwest of Iditarod.
Fire 379, Lime Hills, 30 miles east of Lime Village.
Fire 387, Little Swift Creek, 75 miles east of Eek in the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge.
Fire 391, Fog River, (6/20 start) in the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. 15 miles southeast of Akiak
Fire 398, Basket Creek 2, (6/20 start) near the Basket Creek fire of June 19, southeast of Sleetmute.
Fire 412, Coffee Creek, (6/20 start) 12 miles north of King Salmon.
Fire 413, Paul’s Creek, (6/20 start) 10 miles north of King Salmon.
Fire 434, Quartz Creek, (6/20 start) 43 miles southeast of Akiak in the Kilbuck Mountains.
Fire 435, Kokwok River, (6/20 start) 50 miles north of Aleknagik in the Wood Tikchik State Park.

CONTACT: Francis Mitchell, Public Information Officer, Southwest Area, Division of Forestry
NOTE PHONE # CHANGE Phone 907 524 0064

Categories: AK Fire Info