Alaska Fire Facts at a Glance for 7-2-19

There were two new fire starts across Alaska on Monday – one from an escaped campfire and another from escaped burn barrels.

Fires actively burning in Alaska: 115  (State 38,  AFS 76, USFS 1)

Year-to-Date Fires:  363

Year-to-Date Acres Burned:  592,930

Both new fires were in Alaska Division of Forestry protection areas.  The escaped campfire occurred in the Copper River Area near Summit Lake and ignited surrounding brush and grass.  The other new fire resulted from fire escaping out of two burn barrels at a private residence in the Mat-Su area.  Both the new fires were quickly extinguished.

Otherwise, cool, cloudy weather prevailed over much of the Interior, while south of the Alaska Range most of Southcentral Alaska remained warm and dry.

7-2-19 map w fires.jpg

Categories: AK Fire Info